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In 2024, An Giang sets a target of rice export turnover reaching 325 million USD

24/06/2024 - Tỉnh An Giang

Currently, An Giang rice is present in 60 different markets around the world. By 2024, An Giang sets a goal of rice export turnover reaching 325 million USD.
An Giang has 14/167 enterprises granted certificates of eligibility for rice export business
According to a report by the Department of Industry and Trade of An Giang, the average annual rice cultivation area is about 630 thousand hectares, the output is about more than 4 million tons/year (high quality rice varieties account for over 80-90%), accounting for about 10% of the country's annual rice output.

In 2024, An Giang sets a target of rice export turnover reaching 325 million USD
An Giang province has 14/167 enterprises granted certificates of eligibility for rice export business, with actual milling capacity of over 3.2 million tons/year. Currently, rice products are present and have created reputation in major markets around the world. Products of businesses in the area today are: fragrant rice, white rice, brown rice, parboiled rice, broken rice, sticky rice,...

In 2023, total import-export turnover will reach 1.381 billion USD, an increase of 2.08% over the same period, exceeding 0.4% of the plan. Of which, export turnover of goods is estimated at 1.179 billion USD, up 2.75% over the same period, exceeding 0.3% compared to the plan.
As for rice, the province's enterprises have exported to 60 different markets around the world, reaching nearly 580 thousand tons, equivalent to 339 million USD; Compared to the same period, it increased over 9% in output and increased nearly 16% in turnover.
An Giang's 2023 rice export highlight is that Loc Troi Joint Stock Company has received an order for up to 400,000 tons of rice exported to the EU market. An Giang rice is promoted to export to Indonesia and China markets when these two countries increase their demand for rice. Besides, An Giang rice is also exported to the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia... and some markets such as Russia and Bangladesh.

Here is the translation:

Additionally, the province focuses on restructuring its rice export products. Specifically, by 2030, the proportion of low and medium-grade rice will not exceed 27% of the total rice exports; high-grade white rice will account for about 32%; aromatic rice, specialty rice, and japonica rice will make up about 24%; glutinous rice will constitute about 10%. High-value-added rice products such as nutritional rice, parboiled rice, organic rice, rice flour, processed rice products, rice bran, and other by-products from rice will make up over 8%.

The rice industry in An Giang also aims to achieve the following export targets by 2030: the Asian market will account for about 70% of the total rice export turnover; the African market will account for about 12%; the European market about 5%; the American market about 3%; the Oceanian market about 4%; and the remaining 6% will be for export consignment.

Accordingly, in the Asian market, An Giang will increase its market share in the rice import markets of South Korea and Japan; maintain its market share in exporting rice to Southeast Asian countries, the Chinese market, and other regions. An Giang will also intensify its penetration into African markets, especially in countries with high demand for rice consumption and imports; and exploit high-quality white rice export channels to the Saudi Arabian and UAE markets.

In the European market, the province will increase the volume of rice exports to the region, commensurate with the market's potential. For the American and Oceanian markets, efforts will focus on developing the An Giang rice market in CPTPP member countries such as Canada, Chile, Mexico, and Peru.

To improve the quality of exported rice, Mr. Lê Văn Phước, Vice Chairman of the An Giang Provincial People's Committee, stated that the province encourages and facilitates research and breeding of high-yield, high-quality rice varieties that meet market demands. Emphasis will be placed on developing varieties that produce high-quality white rice, aromatic rice, round grain rice, glutinous rice, and some regional specialty rice varieties, while eliminating the cultivation of low-quality, inefficient rice varieties.

Mr. Lê Văn Phước also mentioned that An Giang will focus on developing environmentally friendly rice brands to target high-standard, high-value markets; invest more in high-value rice varieties that have already established brand images, such as Loc Troi 1 and Loc Troi 28, to increase the export of high-quality aromatic rice. Efforts will also be made to introduce An Giang rice products into foreign distribution systems and support traders in establishing traceability databases.

In the coming time, An Giang will innovate trade promotion activities; support rice traders in building brands for rice products through the national trade promotion program. At the same time, efforts will be intensified to promote rice exports to key traditional markets as well as new and potential markets.


Quantity: 6
Season: Hè 2024
Tỉnh An Giang