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Keeping the specialty area of ​​rambutan dragon

18/06/2024 - Tỉnh Đồng Nai

Dong Nai has the leading rambutan growing area in the country, of which Long Khanh City has the largest rambutan area in the province.Long Khanh rambutan is known in the market and is one of the few types of fruit specialties granted geographical indications.

Rambutan garden in Binh Loc commune (Long Khanh city) is an attractive destination for tourists.Photo: B.NGUYEN

However, over the past time, this crop area has decreased much in the area due to being less effective compared to other fruit trees.But rambutan gardens are impressive destinations for garden tourism development.This is also a solution of many garden houses in Binh Loc and Long Khanh city, contributing to increasing economic value as well as keeping this specialty tree.

* Lo lost the same as indigenous specialties

The local rambutan varieties of Dong Nai are famous specialties and have been granted geographical instructions as rambutan like Java and rambutan grown in communes and wards: Binh Loc, Bao Quang, Xuan Tan, Xuan Tan,Bao Vinh (Long Khanh City);Xuan Dinh and Bao Hoa (Xuan Loc district);Xuan Thien, Quang Trung, Gia Kiem and Gia Tan 3 (Thong Nhat district);Nhan, Xuan Que, Bao Binh and Xuan Bao rivers (Cam My district).

According to the National Office of Intellectual Property, Long Khanh Rambutan has blue, orange and red yellow shells, aroma, crispy and sweet taste.And rambutan Java Long Khanh has a red and dark red shell, long beard, thick and tail with green spots, sweetness.The geographical area has specific natural conditions such as terrain, climate, soil are the factors that create the quality of Long Khanh rambutan, thereby affirming the specific quality of rambutan in compared with.Other areas.

However, the area of ​​these 2 rambutan varieties has greatly decreased compared to before.

Mr. Do Vinh Thuy, a good farmer in Xuan Dinh commune, once planted a few hectares of rambutan and Java, said: “I have cut down the rambutan area to switch to durian because this crop is poor.much more effective than new crops.When the crop, rambutan prices often decreased deeply, causing the profits of rambutan growers to fall into precarious.Including rambutan harvesting is much more labor cost than many other crops ”.

To date, Dong Nai has a total area of ​​more than 9 thousand hectares of rambutan with a total output of more than 152 thousand tons. Although the area of ​​this crop has decreased significantly compared to before, Dong Nai is still among the top in the country in terms of rambutan growing area.
Long Khanh rambutan used to be famous near and far for its quality and deliciousness. In its heyday, Binh Loc commune alone had over 1,000 hectares of rambutan. But now, this locality only has about 400 hectares of rambutan left, mainly growing Thai rambutan varieties.
According to Director of Binh Loc Agricultural, Service and Trade Cooperative Phung Thanh Tam, longan rambutan and Java rambutan are long-standing specialties of Long Khanh land. Java rambutan fruit was once exported to France and there were customers who asked about purchasing this fruit for export to demanding markets with large yields, but the locality could not meet the requirement of having a specialized growing area. pure rambutan variety. Accordingly, the output of this fruit is quite unstable, the economic efficiency is not as good as some new crops, making rambutan farmers no longer interested in this crop.
* Associated with tourism exploitation
To retain the local rambutan specialty, many gardeners in Binh Loc commune participate in the garden tourism model. Among them, the rambutan garden has become an attractive destination for tourists.
Ms. Nong Quay Phong, owner of a rambutan garden in Cay Da hamlet, Binh Loc commune, shared that her family has 0.7 hectares of rambutan. In recent years, her family has affiliated with an establishment specializing in organizing garden tourism, becoming a tourist attraction. Thanks to that, she no longer worries about the output for this fruit, and the profit earned from the rambutan garden also increased much more than before.


Quantity: 164
Season: 2024
Tỉnh Đồng Nai