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Mr. Phan Van Nang with the sand mango growing model in Long Hoa commune, Can Gio district
In 2020, Mr. Phan Van Nang began to interact and learn about the sand mango growing model in Long Hoa commune, Can Gio district. At first, Mr. Nang only planted 50 sand mango trees on a trial basis, which he imported directly from Tien Giang province. After just over a year of planting, Mr. Nang began harvesting his first mango crop. He was also quite surprised when these 50 sand mango trees grew strongly, giving high yield and quality. Mr. Nang's first crop profit was more than 80 million VND after deducting all expenses.
Therefore, Mr. Nang boldly invested in expanding the sand mango growing model. In 2022, he was introduced by the Farmers Association of Long Hoa commune, Can Gio district and accessed capital from the Ho Chi Minh City Farmers Support Fund with an initial loan of 100 million VND and he was approved by the Standing Committee of the City Farmers Association. City approved with a loan of 100 million VND. From the loan, he used it to buy more seedlings, fertilizer and other agricultural supplies to expand his sand mango growing model.

Mango planting model of Mr. Phan Van Nang

Up to now, Mr. Nang has 250 sand mango trees, helping him have a stable source of income, improve his life as well as create jobs for 02 local workers with an income of about 7 million VND/year. person/month. Last Tet Giap Thin 2024, Mr. Nang's profit from selling sand mangoes was more than 200 million VND.
With timely support from the City Farmers Support Fund and valuable experience from learning sand mango growing techniques, Mr. Phan Van Nang has brought high quality products to the market. trusted by many people. Contributed to creating jobs for 02 workers in Long Hoa commune, Can Gio district. This is also one of the models for farmers in other communes in Can Gio district and neighboring districts to visit and learn from experience for development.

Minh Vu


Quantity: 2
Season: Đầu năm 2024
Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh